URYou – Unleash the Remarkable You

Why Rejections are Just Redirections

Life has a way of steering us in directions we may not have anticipated, and often, it’s through the experience of rejection. At the time, it can feel discouraging—like a door shutting on something we truly wanted. But in hindsight, rejections are often just redirections to something better, preparing us for opportunities that align more with our purpose and growth.

My Experience with Rejection

In late 2019, I applied for a job that I was incredibly excited about. It was an assistant property manager position at a luxury apartment community. The job wasn’t perfect—its off days were Sunday and Monday, but I was willing to overlook that because of how much I liked the role. I could see myself thriving in that position, and I really wanted it.

However, I didn’t get the job.

I remember feeling discouraged, sad, and like a failure. I had invested so much emotionally, imagining myself in that role, and when it didn’t happen, it felt like a huge setback. At the same time, I was also applying for another job—a property administrator role in a commercial building. While it was a step down from the property management position I had held in residential, it was still an opportunity to transition into the commercial industry, something I had always wanted to explore. I accepted the job, even though it wasn’t my first choice.

Fast forward to today, and I’m still managing the same building, having been promoted to assistant property manager after 2.5 years. I work with an amazing team, and the environment truly feels like family who support each other professionally and personally. Looking back, that rejection was the best thing that could have happened to me because it led me to where I am now, in a job that brings me joy, growth, and opportunity.

Rejections Are Redirections

My experience taught me that rejection doesn’t mean you’re not good enough—it often means that something better is waiting for you. Sometimes, the opportunities we don’t get are the ones that set us on a path to something greater. Rejections are life’s way of steering us in the direction we’re truly meant to go, even if it doesn’t feel that way at the time.

Rejections Prepare Us

What I didn’t realize when I was turned down for that first job was that I wasn’t being rejected—I was being redirected. Life was preparing me for something better. The position I’m in now has given me incredible opportunities for growth and the chance to meet wonderful mentors who’ve guided me in ways I never would have experienced had I gotten that initial job. Sometimes, the delays and the detours aren’t there to block us—they’re there to build us, to prepare us for what’s coming next.

Learning to Trust the Process

In moments of rejection, it’s easy to feel like a door has slammed shut. But what I’ve learned is that sometimes, it’s not a door shutting but a gentle nudge toward a different path—one that will serve you better in the long run. It’s important to trust the process, even when things don’t go as planned. Life’s rejections can often turn into life’s greatest blessings.

Moving Forward

If you’ve faced rejection recently, whether in your career, relationships, or personal pursuits, know this: You’re not being turned away. You’re being redirected toward something better. Every “no” is clearing the way for a more aligned “yes.” Keep pushing forward, trusting that the right opportunities will come at the right time—and that when they do, you’ll be ready for them.

Share Your Story!

Have you experienced a rejection that later turned out to be a blessing in disguise? I’d love to hear your story! Drop a comment below and let’s encourage each other to embrace life’s redirections together.

Rejections are Redirections Reel

One Response

  1. What an awesome story. A simple reminder to accept and trust all outcomes. Thanks for sharing your truth.