URYou – Unleash the Remarkable You

The Power of Thoughts

What if I told you that the thoughts you focus on are shaping your life? Whether you know it or not, the things you keep thinking about can change everything—either for good or bad. I used to be a total pessimist, always expecting the worst to avoid getting hurt. But here’s what I’ve learned: I wasn’t protecting myself, I was drawing in the very things I was scared of. Let me show you how I realized that our thoughts are stronger than we think—and how changing them can change your life.

The Power of Thoughts

I remember reading Jen Sincero’s “You Are a Badass” book, and one quote hit me like a ton of bricks: “What you focus on, you create more of.” It took me a while to truly understand, but I now see how powerful this concept is. Our thoughts carry energy—if we constantly think about negative things, we attract more negativity. It’s like feeding a plant; the more you water it, the more it grows. And here’s the thing: we can choose to water our plant with dirty water or clean water. The plant will bear fruit regardless, but the quality of the fruit will depend on what it was nourished with. Healthy thoughts will lead to healthy outcomes, while negative thoughts… well, you get the idea.

My Life as a Pessimist

For most of my life, I held on to the belief that thinking about the worst-case scenario would protect me. If something bad happened, I wouldn’t be surprised because I had already mentally prepared for it. In a way, I thought I was being smart—preparing myself for the worst meant I wouldn’t be blindsided by disappointment, right?

But here’s what I’ve come to realize: that way of thinking is untrue. Not only does it not protect us, but it actually attracts more negativity into our lives. Our thoughts are powerful. They carry a vibrational energy, and what we think about most, we tend to draw into our reality. The more I focused on negative outcomes, the more I found myself living in a state of stress, worry, and anxiety. It was as if my mind had created this reality before anything had even happened.

The problem with negative thinking is that it doesn’t just prepare you for the worst—it also keeps you in a negative mood. When you expect bad things, your body and mind are always in a tense, anxious state. Overthinking, stress, and worry become your daily companions. It’s exhausting! And worse, most of the things we worry about may never even happen.

Now, don’t get me wrong—there’s value in being prepared for life’s storms. It’s always smart to have a plan for when the rain comes. But there’s a difference between being prepared and constantly living in the negative. When we allow our minds to stay stuck on the worst-case scenario, we aren’t just preparing for something bad—we’re inviting it. Living in the negative, constantly expecting the worst, isn’t healthy. When I started focusing more on the positive, my energy changed. I began to see opportunities instead of problems. And slowly, I noticed that good things started to happen more often.

Tips for Shifting Your Focus

I know it’s easier said than done to change how you think, especially if you’ve been in the habit of negative thinking for a long time. Believe me, I’ve been there! Take it from someone who spent most of their life in pessimism. The good news? It is possible to change your thoughts and shift them toward something better and more meaningful. The more positive thoughts we plant, the stronger the roots of good energy grow. And with that better energy, we find ourselves with more productive thoughts, which then lead to real, positive changes in our lives. It’s not an overnight process, but little steps can make a big difference. Here are some tips that helped me:

  1. Being Aware: Begin by noticing your negative thoughts. You don’t have to change everything overnight. Simply being aware of when you’re thinking negatively is a great first step. 
  2. Gratitude practice: Every day, write down at least three things you’re thankful for. If you don’t have time to write it down, say a little prayer in the morning stating 3 things you are grateful for. It doesn’t matter how big or small—what matters is shifting your focus to the good.
  3. Reframe your thoughts: When you catch yourself thinking about the worst-case scenario, try to reframe it. Ask yourself, “If this does turn south, what is this trying to teach me?” or “How can I learn from this experience?”
  4. Positive affirmations: Remind yourself daily of your strengths and capabilities. Affirmations as simple as “I got this” can shift your mindset over time.
  5. Limit exposure to negativity: Whether it’s bad energy from certain people or social media, try to limit the amount of negativity you consume. Surround yourself with uplifting content, people, and experiences.

The truth is, our thoughts are powerful. What we focus on grows. If we fill our minds with positive thoughts, we attract positivity. It doesn’t mean life will always be perfect, but it does mean we’ll be better prepared to handle whatever comes our way.

You have the power to change the direction of your life by choosing what you focus on. Each day is a new chance to shift your mindset and plant better seeds. When we take control of our thoughts, we take control of our future. The energy you put out into the world will always come back to you. So, why not focus on the good and attract more of it into your life?

Share Your Journey

I know that shifting your mindset isn’t easy, but it’s worth the effort. What steps are you taking to attract more positivity into your life? I’d love to hear your stories and tips—feel free to leave a comment below and share your journey.

To those who are still struggling to shift their mindset, it’s okay! The fact that you’ve reached the end of this blog tells me you’re already off to a great start. Let’s support each other in navigating our thoughts and focusing on the good!

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