URYou – Unleash the Remarkable You

Be a Warrior, Not a Worrier

Do You Find Yourself Worrying About Everything?

Have you ever caught yourself worrying about the most mundane things? Like whether you locked the front door, if you said the wrong thing during a conversation, or even if the dinner you made is up to everyone’s standards? What about those bigger worries—when your kids get sick and your mind races to the worst-case scenario, or when you start overthinking that email you sent at work? Life is full of things to stress over, and if you’re anything like me, it can feel overwhelming at times.

I used to live in that constant state of worry. It was almost as if my brain had made a habit of preparing for the worst, even when nothing was wrong. But here’s what I’ve learned on my growth journey: worrying doesn’t change the outcome. If anything, it makes things worse. It drains your energy, makes you anxious, and stops you from enjoying the moment. Sound familiar?

A Personal Example of Overthinking

One perfect example is when I needed to ask my boss for a long personal time-off. Now, mind you, my boss and I have a really great relationship, but for some reason, the thought of asking her stressed the hell out of me. The thought of it hovered over my head like a dark cloud for weeks, and I played out all these different scenarios in my mind. I even toyed with the idea of quitting instead of asking her—can you imagine?!

Finally, I had no choice. Plane tickets were getting more expensive by the day, and I couldn’t keep putting it off. I marched into her office, heart racing, and asked. Guess what? She gave me her full support, like she always does. Deep down, I knew she would, but my overthinking mind had convinced me otherwise.

But that wasn’t the end of it. I had one more hurdle: asking the Director of Operations for the final approval. This was the “make or break” moment, and I was terrified. I started with, “I’m sorry to add to your stress, but…” and saw her eyes widen. Then, I told her about my plans to visit the Philippines and that it would be a long time off due to personal circumstances with family. I even offered to take a leave of absence. After hearing it was just a personal time off, her expression calmed down—I think she thought I was quitting! And she simply replied, “Why don’t you just take vacation? It’s the slow time of year anyway.” Just like that! The conversation was so easy and smooth that all I could think afterward was, That’s it?!

All those sleepless nights, all that overthinking—completely unnecessary. It made me realize how much time I wasted worrying about something that turned out to be no big deal at all. And that’s exactly why worrying isn’t the best use of our time. It rarely changes the outcome, and it robs us of peace in the present moment. I hope we can all learn from this example!

Shifting from Worrier to Warrior

What if, instead of being a worrier, we start shifting our mindset to becoming more of a warrior? A warrior doesn’t ignore the challenges or pretend that everything’s fine, but they face them with purpose and intention. They don’t let fear or anxiety dictate their next move. Instead, they take action, even if they’re unsure of the outcome. Warriors understand that fear is a natural part of life, but they use it to propel themselves forward, not hold them back.

One thing that’s helped me immensely is being aware that I worry too much! Whenever I start going down the rabbit hole of worry, I remind myself that most of the things I worried about never actually happened—like that one perfect example earlier! Think about it—how many times have you spiraled over something, only for it to turn out completely fine? We waste so much time and energy imagining worst-case scenarios, when that same energy could be spent preparing, problem-solving, or even just taking a break to clear our minds.

Tips to Shift from being a Worrier to becoming a Warrior

  1. Being Aware
    The first step in overcoming worry is recognizing that we worry too much. We can’t change what we don’t acknowledge. Simply becoming aware of your overthinking patterns is a huge first step. Once you realize you’re spiraling, you can begin to gently guide yourself out of that state and into a more productive mindset.
  2. Challenge Your Thoughts
    When worry creeps in, ask yourself: Is this concern real or imagined? Often, we make things worse in our minds than they really are. Stick to the facts, not the fears.
  3. Talk to Someone You Trust
    Sharing your worries with a trusted friend, family member, or mentor can bring relief and perspective. Sometimes just talking about your concerns helps you see them in a new light. Plus, others can offer advice, support, or simply a listening ear. You don’t have to carry your worries alone.
  4. Learn to Embrace Uncertainty
    We can’t predict everything. Life is unpredictable, and that’s okay. Warriors don’t shy away from uncertainty—they accept it and move forward regardless.
  5. Stay in the Present Moment
    Practicing mindfulness can stop your thoughts from spiraling. When you start to worry, take a deep breath and focus on what’s happening right now. What is within your control?
  6. Prevention is Better Than Cure
    While it may seem contradictory to staying in the present moment, addressing things early on can significantly reduce future worry. Taking care of tasks or challenges ahead of time gives you peace of mind because you’ve already handled it. By being proactive, you free yourself from unnecessary stress later on.


Choose to be a Warrior

I’ve learned that worrying is like running on a treadmill but never getting anywhere – you’re putting in all this effort, but at the end of the day, you’re still in the same spot, mentally and emotionally drained. It adds unnecessary stress, and it robs us of the present moment. Warriors, on the other hand, stay focused on the here and now, taking each challenge as it comes. They prepare, but they don’t obsess. They act, but they don’t panic.

At the end of the day, we all have a choice: we can either let our worries control us, or we can rise above them and be a warrior. 

But remember, becoming a warrior doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time, self-awareness, and a lot of practice. You might find yourself slipping back into old habits and worrying again, but don’t overthink it or beat yourself up. We are all a work in progress, and just the fact that you’re working on improving each little weakness already goes a long way. Don’t give yourself a hard time—be patient with yourself as you grow.

The more you choose to be a warrior, the more you’ll realize that you are stronger, more capable, and more resilient than you ever imagined. The next time you find yourself spiraling into worry, take a deep breath, ground yourself in the present, and ask: Am I going to be a warrior or a worrier today?

Let go of the what-ifs, and trust that you have what it takes to face whatever comes your way. The warrior in you is ready—are you?

Let’s Talk!

Have you ever found yourself over-worrying about something, only for it to turn out just fine in the end? What did you learn from that experience? Share your story in the comments—I can’t wait to hear how you’ve transformed from a worrier into a warrior!

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